

One can make money online by performing various kinds of ........JOBS(duh!) 

The sheer number of ways one can earn from the net can be quite confusing for a newbie, not to mention overwhelming. 

But basically, the ways of making money using the internet for a work from home scenario would fall into one of these TWO categories:
1. Freelance skill-centric / conventional jobs (which are similar to the jobs done in a physical office)
2. New age jobs (most of which came into existence because of internet)

I'll discuss these in greater detail a while later.  Right now, I want to talk about the very pertinent matter of HOW MUCH can you earn.  Well, the straight answer is  - Depends on how much time, effort, blood, sweat (&money) you are going to put into this 'venture'.  It also depends on how resilient you are, how persistent and determined you are and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how serious you are.  In that way, really, working on the net to earn money isn't very different from working in an office or whatever you are currently doing to make ends meet.

NOTE OF CAUTION : In case, you are looking for a quick BIG buck without really putting your hundred percent into it.....well, you are in the wrong place, mate.  Anything of that sort ain't gonna happen! AND if you get charmed by that email from a 'well-meaning friend', claiming to have YOUR best interests at heart, what do I say.....except that you would DESERVE the 'scamming' you are going to get.

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